C O N T E N T S |
THE PROCEEDING OF BUILDING, WORKING AND SHIFTING IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND IN THE OUTER SPACE OF THE FLYING SAUCERSThe invention refers to a proceeding that lies at the basis of the building, working and the shifting of some flying saucers that are characterised by having an original propulsion system of a new type, capable to shift in any direction (including the zigzag way of shifting), to ensure by centrifugal motion both the annulment of the earth gravity, an sustentation in the air due to the permanent depressurisation from the upper exterior side and changing at every moment the ways of working of the propulsion,- respectively from the combustion under constant pressure to the combustion overfeed by static reactor or by rocket engine used at movement in the outer space, having the feature that can be produced at wide range, means of transportation of a new type, capable to ensure the ultra rapid transport of goods and persons both in the atmosphere and in cosmos as well and at such speeds that can overpass the light speed, - complying with the laws from Physics (utilising also the theorem of Steiner - from the Physics) - using the possibility of shifting in zig-zag,- concomitantly overlapped to the basically propulsion. It is known the Propeller for Airships with Vertical Taking Off and Landing that is the object of the Licence No. 110222 C1, published on 1/31/1998 in BOPI No.1 / 1998. This invention is characterised by the fact that it responds only in a little measure to the numerous needs that the humanity has presently in the resolution of the increasing needs of the late-day civilisation. Thus, the displacement by that method, is limited from the speed point of view of the flight, of the useful loading limited because of the terrestrial gravity, of the stability in the flight in case of a torrential rain or the storm that can lead to the shutting off of the valves and the immediate collapse of those aeroplanes as well as of the danger of the braking, of the vibrating elastic membranes because of the great number of cycles of identical solicitations that have as consequence the rapid decrease of the resistance to the tiredness. Also comparatively, the propulsion performed by the help of all the models of classic turbo reactor engines currently used in the aviation, according to Bibliography [1], pag.76-79, the combustion chamber of which are always located between the axial compressor in steps and the turbine, where inside a constructively restricted room, the blade of turbine during a rotation, are attacked continuously and simultaneously by the hot gases resulted from the combustion at constant pressure of burning air mixture with the constructively severe restriction - because of the small diameter and of the thermal loading of the blade of turbine, the production of big relations of compression performing them only at very big revolutions, having constructively major involving concerning the smearing and the cooling, the phenomenon of pumping out and resonance, etc. On the other hand, also referring to the previous stage of the technique and to understand this invention, there are some material proofs and documents or old images which attest that in the earlier past there was a level of techniques characterised by the fact that the technical achievement of those days were sometimes superior to nowadays technical knowledge. So, some very old documents, according to Bibliography(2) pag. 182, talk about; - chariots who can move using their own force, just like birds over the earth, or in the water, or in air,- which are called <vimaana>; - the secret of building the aeroplanes that cannot be broken, burnt, and nor destroyed ; - the secret of building such flying objects that may stay unmoved in the air - the secret of building the aeroplanes that may become invisible; - the secret of obtaining images from the interior of the enemies flying machines. - Nowadays, many witnesses, even contemporary to us have seen many times such super-preferment UFO-s, sometimes very near, but until now people keep on denying their existence, (due to misunderstanding of the technical proceeding of construction and functioning) sometimes confounding them with the meteorites, globular lightning etc.; - in the total contradiction with the observed reality by many witnesses who have observed sometimes all in group and at the same such UFO-s or of some very obvious material proofs and sometimes unquestionable. Moreover, according to some descriptions from witnesses- from a short distance at the very moment - it results comparatively a clear similarity between their behaviour and the proceeding of construction, displacement and functioning of this invention, as well as the cases selected by myself and shown in Bibliography [3] pag. 184-185, [4] and [5] pag.3; Thus, even in our country (Romania) there was discovered such a material proof made of complex aluminium alloy and of a very very old age according Bibliography [2], pag. 152-156, but nobody has until now succeeded to explain accurately. I shall explain that certainly that the machine piece in question belonged to a functional system of a flying saucer. That piece accomplished both the role of a force hydraulically amplifier and energy and the role of the progressive stabiliser and of the changing direction at 90 grades of the vertical force of direction from the vertical direction to the horizontal plan, with circular location and at a distance (radius) well determined from the main rotation axis (having an horizontal plan and the form of the circular crown segment). That machine piece, as you will find out from the descriptive content of this invention, it fits pretty good with the functional system which is the topic of this invention. According to the presented cinematic scheme shown in figure nr.1, respectively piece nr. (21) from fig.(1). That metallic machine piece - made of a complex aluminium alloy - and mechanically processed in a very early past time, leads me to asset firmly that that past material proof was used as a genuine part of a means of conveyance which was built and functioned based on a constructive principle similar to the principle of building and functioning of a flying saucer which is the topic of this invention; or by an old disappeared earth civilisation, - or by other intelligent beings coming from the early past time on the present territory of Romania. ![]() Also, referring to the previous stage of technology, in order to understand the present invention, we should bear in mind the fact that surely some civilisations very very far from our solar system (the Orion constellation) and much more technologically developed than our actual Civilisation, transmitted even some Cosmic Radiograms including that universal principle of construction, functioning and displacement of a flying saucer, so other universe civilisation like ours have existed We will also understand and use that universal principle of displacement. See Bibliography [4] pag. 225, a copy of a cosmic radiogram obtained in 1962 with the radiotelescop called FORTY from Blaystoc (Poland) - very self evident - but which was not understood until now. |